hey just got back………………………

hey I just got back from basketball and I won 16-14 and I scored at the last second!!!!!!!!!!! it was really fun, also I found out that my coaches mother which was my teacher is going to come to a game (: I am so exited to see her again because I have not seen her in like 5 years and so I am really exited. we will try our hardest to win the game.

by: catlover101

hey i am back and i can post one more thing……………………

hey guys I just came back from basketball practice and our new name is the crazy fighting monkeys for short the CFO. we are having a game tomorrow at 9:15 but we are suppose to get there at 9:00. so I will not be posting any posts exepect at like 10:00-ish. so ya  but today I might be able to do one more today (: and if you send any bad coments I  do not care because I like and you can’t change that.

by: catlover101